Jun 26, 2023

Navigating Risks in AMM: Understanding Impermanent Loss and How to Mitigate It


    Investing in automated market makers (AMMs) has gained popularity in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space due to the potential for generating passive income. However, it's important for investors to understand the risks associated with AMMs, particularly impermanent loss. In this article, we will explore the concept of impermanent loss, its relationship with volatility, and strategies to mitigate its impact.

    Remember, this is not investment advice. Always do your own research.

    What are AMMs?

    Automated market makers (AMMs) are decentralized protocols that facilitate the exchange of digital assets. They use liquidity pools and mathematical algorithms instead of traditional order books to determine asset prices. Liquidity providers contribute funds to these pools and earn a share of the trading fees generated in the hope of earning passive income. AMMs have become popular due to their efficiency, accessibility, and potential for generating passive income.

    Understanding Impermanent Loss

    What is Impermanent Loss?

    Impermanent loss occurs when the price of the assets supplied by liquidity providers (LPs) to a pool becomes decorrelated. This problem arises due to pool imbalancing caused by arbitrage trading. As a result, LPs find themselves in a less favorable position compared to a HODL (hold) strategy and their hopes for passive income fade.

    The magnitude of impermanent loss depends on the extent to which the price of one asset increases or decreases relative to another. The impact of impermanent loss is not limited to LPs alone; traders are also affected. As LPs incur losses due to impermanent loss, automated market makers (AMMs) increase trading fees to compensate them for their losses. This, in turn, has an impact on traders.

    Why should I care?

    Impermanent loss has significant implications, causing LPs to lose billions of dollars each year. To put it into perspective, if you had invested in a BTC-ETH-DAI tri pool in 2015, you would have experienced a 90% loss of your capital compared to a HODL strategy. In order to break even with a HODL strategy, you would have needed a 100% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your deposits.

    How does Impermanent Loss happen?

    Impermanent loss occurs due to two primary reasons:

    1. Protocol Design: Most AMMs utilize the constant product formula, which states that the product of asset quantities in the pool must always remain constant. When the price of one asset increases relative to the other, the pool needs to decrease its quantity. Consequently, pools end up selling their best-performing asset, resulting in losses for LPs.

    2. Lack of External Market Data: The only way to change prices in the pool is by altering the quantities of assets through buying and selling. This task is typically performed by arbitrage traders who capitalize on price differences between pools and centralized exchanges. Unfortunately, their activities extract value from the pool's LPs, contributing to impermanent loss.

    Mitigating impermanent loss is a critical challenge faced by LPs and AMM platforms. By understanding the factors that contribute to impermanent loss and exploring innovative solutions, such as dynamic spread mechanisms and oracle integration, platforms like Swaap Finance are actively addressing this issue. These initiatives aim to minimize impermanent loss and create a more equitable and efficient ecosystem for both LPs and traders.

    The Impact of Volatility on Impermanent Loss

    Volatility plays a significant role in impermanent loss. When the prices of the assets in an AMM pool experience large fluctuations, the potential for impermanent loss increases. Higher volatility increases the likelihood of assets diverging in value, leading to a larger impermanent loss for liquidity providers. Investors need to consider the volatility of the assets they provide to AMMs and assess the potential impact on impermanent loss.

    Strategies to Mitigate Impermanent Loss

    While impermanent loss cannot be completely eliminated, there are strategies that can help mitigate its impact and obtain some positive, passive income. By employing these strategies, investors can reduce the exposure to impermanent loss and enhance the overall performance of their AMM investments.

    1. Selecting Stablecoin Pairs

    Pairing stablecoins with other volatile assets can help mitigate impermanent loss. Stablecoins, such as USDT or DAI, have a relatively stable value compared to other cryptocurrencies. When stablecoins are paired with volatile assets, they act as a buffer against significant price fluctuations, reducing the potential for impermanent loss.

    2. Diversifying Across Multiple Pools

    Diversification is a key risk management strategy in AMMs. By diversifying across multiple liquidity pools, investors spread their exposure to different assets and market conditions. This diversification helps mitigate the impact of impermanent loss from a single asset and increases the potential for overall portfolio stability.

    3. Monitoring Market Conditions

    Keeping a close eye on market conditions is essential for managing impermanent loss. Monitoring price movements, market trends, and volatility levels can provide valuable insights into potential risks. By staying informed, investors can make informed decisions about adjusting their AMM investments based on the current market conditions.

    4. Assessing Historical Performance and Liquidity

    Before investing in an AMM pool, it's crucial to assess its historical performance and liquidity. Pools with a track record of lower volatility and consistent returns may offer better protection against impermanent loss. Additionally, assessing the liquidity of a pool ensures that there is sufficient trading volume, reducing the potential for slippage and adverse price movements.

    Considerations for Risk Management

    While mitigating impermanent loss is important, it's essential to consider other risk management factors when investing in AMMs. Here are some key considerations:

    1. Setting Realistic Expectations

    Investors should set realistic expectations when it comes to generating passive income from AMMs. While AMMs can provide attractive returns, they are not risk-free investments. Understanding the potential risks and rewards helps set realistic expectations and avoids disappointment.

    2. Balancing Risk and Potential Rewards

    Investors need to strike a balance between risk and potential rewards. Higher returns often come with higher risks, and it's crucial to assess risk tolerance and investment goals. Each investor should carefully consider their risk appetite and make investment decisions accordingly.

    3. Staying Informed and Adapting

    The DeFi landscape is constantly evolving, and staying informed is crucial for successful AMM investing. Keeping up with industry news, updates, and regulatory changes helps investors adapt to the evolving market dynamics. It's important to stay engaged and be willing to adjust strategies as needed.

    Mitigating Impermanent Loss: The Example of Swaap Finance

    Swaap Finance is an innovative platform that addresses the issue of impermanent loss through its unique approach. It is the first market-neutral automated market maker (AMM) that leverages a combination of oracles and dynamic spread to provide sustainable yields for liquidity providers and cheaper prices to traders. By reducing arbitrage trading, where external actors take advantage of price differences within the market, Swaap preserves value that would otherwise be lost to arbitrageurs. This value is then distributed to traders and liquidity providers, ensuring a fairer and more balanced ecosystem.

    With Swaap Finance, liquidity providers can access profitable and sustainable market-making strategies while significantly reducing the impact of impermanent loss. Additionally, traders benefit from lower trading fees as the protocol doesn’t need to charge high fees to compensate for impermanent loss. Swaap Finance serves as a promising example of how innovative approaches can mitigate impermanent loss and create a more resilient and efficient DeFi ecosystem.


    Investing in AMMs can be a lucrative opportunity for generating passive income, but it's important to understand and manage the risks associated with impermanent loss. By comprehending the relationship between volatility and impermanent loss and implementing mitigation strategies such as selecting stablecoin pairs, diversifying across multiple pools, and monitoring market conditions, investors can navigate the risks more effectively. Remember, thorough research and risk assessment are essential to successful AMM investing.


    1. What is the best way to assess the historical performance of an AMM pool?

    Assessing the historical performance of an AMM pool can be done by reviewing its past returns, analyzing the volatility of the pool's assets, and evaluating any available performance metrics or user feedback. Additionally, researching the AMM's reputation and track record can provide insights into its historical performance.

    2. Is impermanent loss the same as permanent loss?

    No, impermanent loss is temporary and occurs when the value of assets in an AMM pool fluctuates compared to simply holding the assets. Permanent loss, on the other hand, refers to a permanent decrease in the value of assets due to factors such as hacks, scams, or extreme market conditions.

    3. Do all AMMs have the same level of impermanent loss risk?

    No, the level of impermanent loss risk can vary among different AMMs and liquidity pools. Factors such as the liquidity of the pool, volatility of the assets, and the specific AMM algorithm used can influence the level of impermanent loss risk. It's important to assess these factors before investing in a particular AMM.

    4. Are there any insurance or hedging options available for impermanent loss in AMMs?

    Some platforms and protocols offer insurance or hedging options to mitigate impermanent loss. These options provide additional protection to liquidity providers against potential losses. However, it's important to carefully evaluate the terms, conditions, and effectiveness of such insurance or hedging mechanisms before relying on them for risk mitigation.